SignalMind Blog

Responsive and mobile content builder. API-enabled.

Gradient backgrounds and rounded corners on mobile page sections

Rounded corners, gradient backgrounds on mobile pagesWe've recently added a new cool feature - the ability to add custom gradients, gradient backgrounds and rounded corners under any element on a mobile site (forms, links, buttons, image galleries, widget headers and widget content areas) - all without any CSS or HTML editing.

You can also adjust spacing (padding) arround any element, highlight individual links or headers with a unique color or gradient, and have more control over the look of the mobile pages in general.

Just click on the Style icon next to a widget on the page - there are a ton of options there to be a true artist!

See the example on the left and visit to see this page in action (note, this is a demo page, and the link there are not functional).


The dangers of auto-translation, or "the bone with an eye"

A couple of times we've been requested to add an auto-translation module, so that the mobile sites created on piJnz can automatically be published into multiple languages.

While this seems like a quick way to make the content available to a global audience, unfortunately the result may defeat your marketing purposes entirely.

Having played with various auto-translators over the past years, I wasn't impressed with the accuracy of any of them. It appears that auto-translators can be good for personal reasons, but not so much for business purposes. I've not seen a single auto-translation solution that would convey the intricacies of the language (let alone the grammar) correctly. These computer translation tools could be used as a starting point, but nothing can replace a human fluent in the target language who can look over the translated text, adjust any discrepancies and help you avoid potentially embarrassing situations.