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Responsive Website Builder FAQ

Can I design the mobile experience to be different from the desktop experience?

With SignalMind responsive site builder you can specify separate visual settings for small and large screens, such as backgrounds, colors, margins, borders. You can set accordion navigation for mobile devices only or for all screens. You can hide elements depending on the screen size. (You can, also, utilize this ability to occasionally position elements differently based on the screen size. For instance, display the Call button at the top for mobile visitors, while making it less prominent for desktop visitors).


Is your responsive site builder - online?

SignalMind responsive website builder software is 100% web-based (entirely online), and no download is needed to start building the sites.


Why can I only set styles for small and large screens, and not for the three popular screen types?

Designing for two screen sizes can be overwhelming enough. To keep things manageable, instead of offering three separate style options for smartphones, tablets, and desktops, we decided to offer two options: for small and large screens. The small screen option covers devices 40rem (or 640px) and smaller, and the large screen option is for devices larger than 40rem (which includes tablets and desktops).

If you need the tablet look to be different from the desktop look, you can add your own custom media query with the corresponding CSS.

Can I set up a custom domain for responsive sites?

Absolutely. Simply click on the "Custom Domain" link on a site dashboard and follow the instructions there on how to point your domain.

Is there an additional fee for using the responsive website builder?

No, the responsive site builder is included with all our plans.

Does "mobile-first" responsive mean that I need to start by designing the mobile interface first?

Not necessarily. If you are more comfortable designing for the larger screen first (as most of us probably are), please feel free to do so. With our responsive site creator you can always switch between small and large screen previews.

"Mobile-first responsive" mainly means that your small screen CSS styles are applied by default (take priority). Mobile-first RWD uses a reverse media query to accomplish that.